Vladimir Konovalov


Tel: 89638744951

e-mail: konov2@psu.ru

Position: Research Engineer, since 2009

Degree: Ph.D. -m.n.  protection at IMSS URO RAS in 2004.

Education: Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, Theoretical Physics, 1999

Scientific Interests: Boiling Crises, Vibration Effect on Multiphase Environments, Crystallization Process Management, Computing Packages, Wildfires




  1. Alanuev A.A., Konovalov V.V., Lyubimov D.V.  Deformation and non-linear resonance of the drop in the vibration field / Vibrational effects in hydrodynamics: Sat. Scientific. Labor / Perm. Un-t. Perm, 1998. A drink. 10. S. 7-16.
  2. V.V. Konovalov, Lyubimov D.V.  Effect of THE PAV film on the free vibrations of the drop / Hydrodynamics: Sat. Scientific. Labor / Perm. Un-t. Perm, 1999. A drink. 12. S. 132-140.
  3. V.V. Konovalov, Lubimov A.P.  Effect of normal high frequency vibrations on boiling crisis / Hydrodynamics: Sat. Scientific. Labor / Perm. Un-t. Perm, 2002. A drink. 13. S. 89-97.
  4. Konovalov V.V. Lubimov A.P.  Fluctuations of a liquid drop surrounded by a spherical layer of another liquid / Hydrodynamics: Sat. Scientific. Labor / Perm. Un-t. Perm, 2002. A drink. 13. S. 98-114.
  5. V.V. Konovalov, Lubimov D.V., Lubimov T.P.  The effect of low viscosity on the parametric instability of a drop of liquid suspended in a oscillating liquid of a different density. The proceedings of the Mathematical Center. NI  Lobachevsky. T. 16 / Kazan Mathematical Society. Solid Environment Mechanics Models // Materials of the 16th session of the International School for Solid Environment Mechanics Models. Kazan: The Kazan Mathematical Society, 2002. S. 219-222.
  6. Konovalov V.V.  The influence of normal vibrations on the second boiling crisis / Proc. / International Conference "Advanced Problems in Thermal Convection", Perm, Russia, 2003 (submitted for publication).
  7. V.V. Konovalov, Lubimov T.P., Lubimov D.V.  Effect of normal vibrations of a flat horizontal heater on the second boiling crisis // Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2006 T. 47, No. 4, S. 88-97.
  8. Konovalov V.V., Lyubimova T.P., Lyubimov D.V.  Effect of normal vibrations of a flat horizontal heater on the second boiling crisis / Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2006, V. 47,N 4, P. 534-541.
  9. V.V. Konovalov, Lubimov A.P.  Develop a library of embedded code to solve the problems of directed crystallization / Calculate. Fur. It's all over the place. Wednesday. — 2008. T. 1, No. With. 43-54.
  10. <tag|68|69384567b71a0d6b8d94e6c1194ff4cf->V.V.</tag|68|69384567b71a0d6b8d94e6c1194ff4cf->  Konovalov, D.V.  Lyubimov, T.P.  Lyubimova. Dynamic detachment of the gas bubble from a solid flat substrate, making normal harmonic vibrations // Applied mechanics and technical physics (directed to print).
  11. D.Lyubimov, T.Lyubimova, V.Konovalov, I.Egry. Small amplitude surface oscillations of a spherical liquid drop with surface viscosity / Journal of Fluid Mechanics (accepted to publication).
  12. Jean-Luc Dupuy, Rodman (Rod) Linn, Vladimir Konovalov, Francois Pimont, Jose Antonio Vega, Enrique JIMENEZ. Exploring three-dimensional coupled fire/atmosphere interactions downwind of wind-driven surface fires and their influence on backfiring using the HIGRAD-FIRETEC model // International Journal of Wildland Fire (accepted to publication).