As part of the III International Conference "Science of the Future" and the 4th All-Russian Forum "Science of the Future – The Science of the Young" held in the city. Sochi May 14-17, 2019 at the Sirius Educational Center, Parshakov A.N. participated as a speaker with an oral report "Developing a hydrodynamic model of man-made thermal pollution zones in large water sites with density stratification caused by temperature and concentration heterogeneity." This topic is supported by the RPF on the event "Conducting research by scientific groups led by young scientists" of the Presidential Program of Research Projects.

Scientists of different generations presented their scientific achievements to Russian and foreign colleagues, as well as shared their experience and passed on their knowledge to the younger generation. Participants were introduced to the scientific and scientific and technical results of the research, which are a priority for the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation.